The Smell Of Dawn

[Feature Documentary]

An infuriated lawyer and human rights activist battles to end forced labor in the production and commodities chain, but meets unexpected resistance in his efforts. A thrilling investigative and performative documentary about the products we all consume produced with forced and trafficked labor.

(Supported by The Danish Filminstitute)

The Roots

[Short Documentary]

“The Roots” will explore the historical significance of indigenous seeds in Kenya, the reasons why their cultivation and propagation has diminished, and the urgent efforts to protect and revitalize them in the face of the present climate change.

(Supported by the OpEn Fund)


Fight For Food

[Documentary Series]

A closer look at the farmers, scientists and cultural activists fighting to preserve Kenya’s food cultures—and the forces working to take control of the country’s food systems.

(Best Global Pitch – Sunny Side of the Doc 2023)

Nobody Needs Flowers

[Feature Fiction]

A Kenyan environmental activist struggles to halt a flower farm’s illegal pest control when a Danish tourist joins his battle – uninvited.

The Hotel

[Feature Fiction]

A young receptionist encounters sex-trafficked girls in the hotel’s basement. To help them, she starts a dangerous romance with the perpetrator.